Schedule Phases

Schedules are independent of one another. Posting a schedule does not replace the current schedule or begin a future schedule.

You can also skip schedules to move one schedule into the Self-Scheduling Phase without progressing the previous schedule to another phase. For example, many facilities start work on the winter holiday schedules in late summer.

There are five schedule phases that are determined by department settings. For example, if your department does not allow self-scheduling, when you click Begin Schedule; the Self Scheduling Phase is skipped and the schedule moves directly into the Balancing phase.

Schedule Phases

Schedule phases and descriptions are listed below.

Planning: Schedules in this phase can be accessed by Schedulers, Managers, Directors, House Supervisors and Facility Administrators.


Example Schedule in Planning Phase


Self-Scheduling is open to departments that allow self-scheduling. This is equivalent to posting a blank schedule sheet for department staff to enter preferences. Departments may limit the number of staff who schedule for a day and time to the target number indicated (Limit to Target). Department settings may also restrict users from scheduling beyond their FTE or be set to enforce weekend commitments based on employee types. 


Example Schedule in Balancing Phase


Balancing (formerly After Plan Sheet): Staff cannot access schedules in Balancing phase. In MyScheduler, only approved time off requests display. 


Example Schedule Quality Dashboard


Approval (formerly First Approval): This phase is only used when Dual Sign-off is activated. Otherwise, the schedule will progress from Balancing to Posted.

Example Schedule Approval Email


Schedule Metrics Screen Listing Schedules Awaiting Approval


Posted: All users with access to this schedule can view it.


Example Schedule in Posted Phase




      Facility Scheduler